Clients of HORTICONS Agricultural Advisory Services
Company | Location | Theme |
Univeg Deutschland GmbH | Bremen, Germany | Quality assurance, vegetables, Turkey |
Natur Fair | Wien, Austria | Farm planning organic agriculture |
SGS Germany | Emstek, Germany | Certification of quality assurance systems |
GTZ/FIBL Swiss (Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit/Forschings-institut für biologischen Landbau) | Eschborn/Frick (CH) | Promotion of organic Agriculture in Serbia (Extension service/research) |
Zoraya EooD | Peruschtiza, Bulgaria | Project planning technical advice |
Fachhochschule Osnabrück (University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück) | Osnabrück, Germany | Lecturer for special horticulture, quality assurance |
Univeg Direct Fruit Marketing GmbH | Bremen, Germany | Quality assurance, China |
Univeg Trade Italy | Trevenzuolo, Italy | Quality assurance, organic fruit and vegetable production |
Norges Vel | Skjetten, Norway | Post graduate course for teachers about organic farming in agriculture in Kosovo |
Univeg Trade Spanien | Valencia, Spain | Quality assurance, organic fruit and vegetable production |
Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen | Visselhövede, Germany | Intercompany comparison of organic farms creations of a brochure for organic tomato production |
Bioland Publishing Company | Mainz, Germany | Updating of the book: " Organic vegetable production"; Subjects: cucumbers, eggfruits, garlic |
Godeland Vermarktungsgesellschaft mbH | Glückstadt, Germany | Quality assurance, organic vegetable production |
Ökoring Niedersachsen | Visselhövede, Germany | Advice for conversion to organic farming Planning of business development |
Traxperts | Lüneburg, Germany | Quality assurance, organic fruit and vegetable production |
DFM Italia | Bratipaglia, Italy | Quality assurance, organic fruit and vegetable production |
Atlanta AG | Bremen, Germany | Quality assurance, organic fruit and vegetable production Quality assurance, conventional fruit and vegetable production |
Oreka Bioprodukte | Kamen, Germany | Project planning, Egypt |
Gemüsering Stuttgart | Stuttgart, Germany | Market analysis Technical advice for conversion to organic farming Agricultural advice |
B-Sys Eood | Sofia, Bulgaria | Project planning |
Events and dissertation
of Dipl. Ing. hort. (FH) Uwe Hornischer since May 2007
Thema | Ort/Datum | Veranstaltung |
Benefit Insects in Greenhouse Farming | Zlatibor, Serbien Okt. 2010 | IPN- Institute for Applied Sciences in Agriculture Serbia |
Organic Carrot Production | Subotica, Serbien Okt. 2010 | Extensionist Training, FIBL/GTZ |
Weed control in Organic Agriculture | Subotica, Serbien Okt. 2010 | Extensionist Training, FIBL/GTZ |
Quality Assurance in Organic Agriculture | Cacak, Serbien Okt. 2010 | Extensionist Training, FIBL/GTZ |
Products for Plant Protection in organic Agriculture | Cacak, Serbien Okt. 2010 | Extensionist Training, FIBL/GTZ |
Organic Carrot Production | Selenca, Serbien Sep. 2010 | Extensionist Training, Centar for Organic Agriculture Selenca |
Crop Rototion and Green Manure | Kovacica, Serbien Sep. 2010 | Extensionist Training, FIBL/GTZ |
Fertilization in Organic Agriculture | Kovacica, Serbien Sep. 2010 | Extensionist Training, FIBL/GTZ |
Plant Protection in Organic Agriculture | Belgrade, Serbia May 2010 | Serbia Organica extensionist training |
Organic Vegetable Production | Belgrade, Serbia May 2010 | Serbia Organica extensionist training |
Quality assurance of imported organic products | Plankstetten, Germany Feb 2010 | Ökomenischer Gartenbautag Bayern |
Quality assurance of Honey-Pomelos EC Requirements | Pinghe/Xiamen, China May 2009 | Pinghe, City Governement China |
Organic Agriculture and Quality assurance | Lipjan, Kosovo May 2009 | Saturday academy, Norges Vel, School for Agriculture, Kosovo |
Greenhouse farming | Salern, Italy March 2009 | Fachschule Salern Gemüsefachtag Italy |
Organic tomato production | Eisenstadt, Austria Feb. 2009 | Bio Austria Bio-Tomatenfachtag Austria |
Organic farming in the world | Bad Boll Jan. 2009 | BÖG Wintertagung |
Organic production of cucumbers | Bad Boll Jan. 2009 | BÖG Wintertagung |
Organische Handelsdünger (nach Vorlage von Brassert) | Rauischholzhausen Januar 2009 | Arbeitskreis ökologischer Landbau Hessen |
Calculation of organic fertilization | Rauischholzhausen Jan. 2009 | Arbeitskreis ökologischer Landbau Hessen |
Effective Quality Assurance of organic Fruit and Vegetables | Köln Jun. 2008 | Workshop Ökostrategieberatung |
Risk Management in organic Farming | Hamm Nov. 2007 | BÖL/Ökostrategieberatung |
Organic Farming in South Europe | Grünberg Nov. 2007 | Bioland Wintertagung 2007 |
Publications of Uwe Hornischer:
- „Ökologischer Gemüsebau“ (Organic Vegetable Production)
Bioland Verlags GmbH, Eckhard George, Reyhaneh Eghbal (Hrsg.), 2003
S. 279- 281 (Organic Production of Eggfruit) und S. 260-261 (Organic Production of garlic) - „Verwertung von Wirtschafts- und Sekundärrohstoffdüngern in der Landwirtschaft“ (Organic Fertilizers in Agriculture)
KTBL- Schrift 444 (Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, Hrsg.), 2006
S. 133-144 (Use and importance of organic fertilizers in agriculture) - Brochure „Ökologischer Anbau von Tomaten“ (Organic Production of Tomatoes)
Authors: Uwe Hornischer (KÖN) and Martin Koller (FiBL Swiss)
KÖN, FiBL Swiss, Bioland, Bio Austria (Hrsg.), 2006 - „KÖN Infoblätter für den ökologischen Landbau“ (Information sheets for organic agriculture)
(Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen, Hrsg.), 2002 bis 2006
56 information sheets for practice in organic farming for the following subjects:- Fertilization
- Plant protection
- Liming
- Sheets for special crops
- Lists of varieties
- Techniques
- Address-lists
- more
- „Ökologischer Gemüsebau“ (Organic Farming)
Bioland Verlags GmbH, Eckhard George, Reyhaneh Eghbal (Hrsg.), 2009
2nd revised edition
S. 276- 280 organic production of eggfruit;
S. 263-264 organic production of garlic;
S. 252-258 revision of organic production of cucumbers